Current Initiatives


Transport The need for better access to Transport across West Northumberland is widely acknowledged. We set up West Northumberland Community Transport Network to enable discussions to take place to achieve a realistic understanding of where the gaps are, what is needed and by who, and discuss practical solutions. Conversations are currently taking place with organisations, charities and

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Dementia Friends

CCP is on a mission to enable fantastic, useful support for people living with Dementia, their Carers  and Families across West Northumberland.   We work in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society,  The Chrysalis Club and The Blue Book. 74 people from across West Northumberland have successfully completed Dementia Friends training with us so far. Feedback from our Dementia Friends training

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Community Cuppa

Community Cuppa is a collaboration  between the community and the school to provide a welcoming place for everyone in the community to meet, find support, friends, information, share skills, experiences and resources  & enjoy taking part in activities, over a cuppa!   Community Cuppa is place where charities offering support for the local community could be

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